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So something has been bothering me for a while and I would really like an answer to it. The Chinese data shows that the fatality rate for people under 40 is much, much lower than everyone else, and other data sources generally match this. But fatality isn’t the only thing going on here. How does younger peoples’ rate of severity scale? Does this imply that they also get more milder diseases? Or do they get diseases just as severe but they live through it more frequently?

Singapore is (allegedly) doing a very good job with containment and tracking, and has a website up. As far as I know, this website tracks literally every coronavirus patient in Singapore. I looked through some of their data.

Of the people currently hospitalized, 15% are age 18-30 and 26% are age 31-45

Of the people who have recovered, the average stay in hospital for age 18-30 is 10.7 days and the average stay in hospital for people who are 31-45 is 10.9 days

There are 115 total infected between ages 20 and 50 in Singapore. Of those, 44 are currently hospitalized.

There are 90 total infected over age 50. Of those, 62 are currently hospitalized

There is no easy way on the site that I’ve figured out to include people who were previously hospitalized and then released

Now, small sample size, all sorts of confounds that could come into play here, but two things worth calling out. The first is that their hospitalization rate is dramatically higher than the mild/severe/critical data would suggest. What does this mean? I suspect it means that the threshold for hospitalization in Singapore is lower, and that milder cases are being hospitalized. Maybe they use hospital rooms as quarantine zones for positive patients.

The second thing I notice is that, while the risk of hospitalizeable illness is significantly lower for younger people than for older people, that’s still 38% of infected younger people currently hospitalized. Ten days in hospital sounds pretty fuckin’ serious. And again, I don’t have an easy way of getting a count of all people who were ever hospitalized, so for all I know their hosptialization rates are the same but young people recover while old people die.

More data is needed but I’m considering this significant evidence in the “even young people are fucked” direction. I am scared.




