Official Numbers:
- 466,955 confirmed infections
- 21,162 confirmed deaths
- 113,770 confirmed recoveries
- 81,661 China
- 74,386 Italy
- 65,285 US
- 49,515 Spain
- 37,323 Germany
- 27,017 Iran
- 25,600 France
- 10,897 Switzerland
- 9,640 United Kingdom
- 9,137 Korea, South
- 6,438 Netherlands
- 5,588 Austria
- 4,937 Belgium
- 3,251 Canada
- 3,066 Norway
- 2,995 Portugal
- 2,526 Sweden
- 2,433 Brazil
- 2,433 Turkey
- 2,369 Israel
- 2,364 Australia
- 1,862 Denmark
- 1,796 Malaysia
- 1,654 Czechia
- 1,564 Ireland
- 1,333 Luxembourg
- 1,307 Japan
- 1,173 Ecuador
- 1,142 Chile
- 1,063 Pakistan
- 1,051 Poland
- Men who are
get their hormones all fucked up. Two months ago there was some
preliminary rumours that male fertility might be impacted by this, but
they were very preliminary and not very reliable. This seems to suggest
that those rumours may have been real. It is unclear to me if this is
a selection bias thing though (eg people with these imbalances are at
higher risk of getting sick). It’s also important to note that these
hormones are measured while people are sick, and it’s unclear if the
disruption persists after you recover
- Face Masks: Much More Than You Wanted To
This blog is very high quality, generally reputable, and written by an
actual M.D. He has done a meta-analysis of all the data available with
respect to masks
- Prolonged presence of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA in faecal
samples. Stupid Lancet links have fucking parens in them and it breaks
the markdown link formatter, so URL here: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langas/article/PIIS2468-1253(20)30083-2/fulltext).
They found that evidence of viral RNA could be found in stool samples
for, in one case up to 33 days after their respiratory tests became
negative/their symptoms ended. This is concerning and requires more
study, but it is also important to note that this study did not
determine if those viral particles were still infectious or not.
Shedding inactivated viral particles for a few weeks after you’re not
sick anymore is not particularly unusual, and is not necessarily cause
for alarm.
- Robin Hanson with A bunch of
data suggesting
that there is a dose-response relationship between initial viral
exposure and severity of illness. If true, this could have some
uncomfortable implications. For one: you’re likely to be exposed to a
lower viral load from touching a contaminated handrail in public than
you are from quarantining in a house with sick loved ones. If true,
quarantine measures may dramatically increase disease severity. I do
not endorse his conclusions as true, but he links a lot of interesting
papers on the subject
- UK claims it’s days away from releasing millions of antibody
This changes everything. I didn’t realize that we had antibody tests
outside of research labs at all. But they claim they have 3.5 million
and are ready to ship them to pharmacies in days. This implies that
they have a highly scalable process for manufacture. This implies that
the US could license the tech and manufacture millions per week. We
could test people and formally certify them as (very probably) immune to
the virus. We could test people to figure out who is safe to let out of
quarantine. If this could be deployed at scale, soon, then Trump’s
insane plan to end lockdowns by Easter starts to look actually realistic
(at least for the subset of population that is already immune)