Official Numbers
- 1,362,936 confirmed infections (Δ 73,556)
- 76,373 confirmed deaths (Δ 5,783)
- 292,188 confirmed recoveries (Δ 21,816)
- 502 confirmed infections in my city (Δ 18)
- 19 confirmed infections in my ZIP code (Δ 1)
- 6 confirmed deaths in my city (Δ 0)
- 368,449 US
- 140,510 Spain
- 132,547 Italy
- 103,717 Germany
- 98,984 France
- 82,718 China
- 62,589 Iran
- 52,301 United Kingdom
- 30,217 Turkey
- 22,242 Switzerland
- 22,194 Belgium
- 19,703 Netherlands
- 16,667 Canada
- 12,488 Austria
- 12,442 Portugal
- 12,240 Brazil
- 10,331 Korea, South
- ACE2 variants underlie interindividual variability and susceptibility
to COVID-19 in Italian
They used Italian population genetic data to find genes predictive of
lower ACE2 levels, and this seems to correlate with less disease
- Interesting take on the appropriate public health
I’m not sure that I’m as optimistic as he is regarding “give people info
and they’ll do the right thing” but I’m 100% on board with his
accusation that our authorities have done very very bad job on the
‘clear understadnable actionable information’ front
- Austria wants to slowly relax public health measures starting April
An Austrian friend has been telling me about the measures there and they
seem to have their shit together? Strict early lockdown arrested the
spread, now they want to go back to normal. From what he says, it
sounds like they actually did contain it, but the problem is that once
they start relaxing measures they will just re-import it from the rest
of Europe
- Meanwhile, in Singapore, they’re suspending Terminal 2 of Changi
Airport for 18
- Over the past 48ish hours: Boris Johnson admitted to
but he’s totally fine. Followed, like 12 hours later, with him being
admitted to the ICU. Latest development: He’s stable, receiving oxygen
but not on a ventilator (yet???).
- Another guy maintaining a website doing broadly the same thing I do
here. Unfortunately
I’m not sure how I feel about a website called “Swiss Propaganda
Research” but I judge it on its content and so far it seems legit
- More about virus-induced heart