Coronavirus Daily Update
This site is on pause until further notice. I have become convinced that the disease is not a big deal if you are not retiree-aged, and in light of this, the lockdown measures are harder to accept. Meanwhile, I am becoming increasingly distraught at the zeal with which everyone I know are eagerly begging for stricter and ever more arbitrary measures. Finally, the mixed messaging, the cutesy corporate-saccharine slogans, the weird obsession with arbitrary constraints like “6 feet distance”, is feelingly more dystopian to me every day.
I need to take a break on this. Until further notice, I will not be updating this site. In the mean time, these are the only updates you need:
- This disease will probably kill your elderly relatives
- This disease will kill a very, very small fraction of your non-elderly relatives
- There are no viable treatments to this disease. A vaccine will not be available for years, and if one is available earlier I strongly recommend not taking it until it has been available for years and has a robust demonstrated safety record. One way or another, everyone, or almost everyone, are getting infected
- Most of the public health measures being taken shouldn’t be. Most of the public health measures that should be taken aren’t. This will not change
- Most of the people with authority care more about lockdown and related rights infringements for their own sake than they do about any public health goals
Read First
Good Sources
I have no affiliation with any of these links. They are my personal recommendations
Dr John Campbell, NHS medical instructor
Practical tips to protect yourself in an epidemic
Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019. This should be considered the most official source of truth about this crisis at this time.
Johns Hopkins Crisis Dashboard
Worldometer Coronavirus Page. At-a-glance numbers and summaries
BNO Newsroom Twitter possibly the single best journalistic source to follow
Broadcastify. Listen in to police, fire, and EMS radios. Might be useful for primary-source information
Singapore Government Coronavirus Dashboard. Singapore has had seemingly the best response to this crisis so far, and has kept the disease numbers low as a result. I consider this the gold standard in terms of reliability. I trust this data even more than I trust the WHO data, even though the WHO data is more “official”
Previous Updates
2020.03.03 / 2020.03.04 / 2020.03.05 / 2020.03.06 / 2020.03.07 / 2020.03.08 / 2020.03.09 / 2020.03.10 / 2020.03.11 / 2020.03.12 / 2020.03.13 / 2020.03.14 / 2020.03.15 / 2020.03.16 / 2020.03.17 / 2020.03.18 / 2020.03.19 / 2020.03.20 / 2020.03.21 / 2020.03.22 / 2020.03.23 / 2020.03.24 / 2020.03.25 / 2020.03.26 / 2020.03.27 / 2020.03.28 / 2020.03.29 / 2020.03.30 / 2020.03.31 / 2020.04.01 / 2020.04.02 / 2020.04.03 / 2020.04.04 / 2020.04.05 / 2020.04.06 / 2020.04.07 / 2020.04.08 / 2020.04.09 / 2020.04.10 / 2020.04.11 / 2020.04.12 / 2020.04.13 / 2020.04.14 / 2020.04.15 / 2020.04.16 / 2020.04.17
Updated 2020.04.21 13:15 CDT